
The camp is located at the Höfohaus, the building of the caving club "Höhlenverein Blaubeuren" near Blaubeuren-Seissen. (See Höfohaus)

The infrastructure includes a meeting room, restrooms, shower and a campfire with benches for comfortable evenings. Tents are placed on the meadow in front of the building. There is also enough space for motor homes/camper vans.

Fresh water is available, but the building is not on the electric grid. Electricity is only available while the generator is running, which is typically between 17 and 22, and on demand. Additional showers are at the nearby gymnasium, and there is also a possibility to load lamps overnight.

Even in summer, it may be chilly in the evening and especially during bad weather. On rainy days the temperature frequently drops to 15°C, during night below 10°C, so warm clothes are essential. Please bring enough warm clothes!

Image: introductions into materials needed for cave exploration.

Please bring the following basic equipment for caving:

The participation fee is:

Age 25 and younger 270.- €
Age 26 and older 360.- €

This includes:

the field kitchen
Image: the field kitchen.

Please bring an international health insurance certificate to make processing easier.

Participants age 26 and older are not included in the insurance, so we strongly recommend they have their own insurance (health, third party liability, accident including salvage costs).

How to Apply:

  1. Download the registration form in your preferred format: as Word File | as PDF | as OpenOffice File
  2. Fill in (see below fo details).
  3. Send your registration by email or snail mail.
  4. Wait for confirmation.
  5. Immediately after confirmation make your advance payment of €50.
  6. Make your full payment until June, 30th, 2020.

How to fill in the registration form:

The registration form must be signed. As electronic registration is preferred, it is necessary to scan the signatures and send them by email.

By Email (preferred)

By Snail Mail

Of course you can also print them on paper and send them by snail mail.

Please fill in the registration on the computer or use block letters, as readable as possible. Make sure the name, address and email are correct and readable, otherwise feedback becomes difficult.

Please send to:

Knut Brenndörfer
Blaubergstraße 6
D-89143 Blaubeuren

Additional Information:


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